
Hanging on by a Thread?
How the Pandemic Has Changed
Customer Service in Veterinary Practices?

After the surge of demand during and post-pandemic, veterinary practices are now settling into a new normal, with clients expecting first-rate prompt service. Clinics are faced with the challenge of finding sufficient support staff to provide exceptional customer care without burning out their team. 

2024 is yet another new era of veterinary medicine. The combination of curbside medicine and the surge of pet ownership during the pandemic dramatically changed veterinary medicine. Gone were the days of talking about doing more with your existing client base instead of counting on new clients walking through the doors. No longer were we talking about the unsustainable increase in new practices. Instead, the conversation shifted to finding veterinarians and support staff to meet increased demand.

The demands of veterinary medicine are constantly evolving. We are no longer in the 90s, where practices grew based primarily on new clients walking through the doors. Nor the 2000s, when practices were learning to serve their existing client base, offering a high standard of care and growing from increased services instead of new clients. The 2010s brought us a time of shifting pet ownership, an evolution of the human-animal bond, and clients who wanted to be involved in veterinary decision-making, a shift from paternal to participatory.

What did the 2020s bring? Pandemic, curbside, and a surge in pet ownership. In 2024, we are past pandemic restrictions; pet ownership is levelling out, and boomers are no longer our largest pet-owning segment - now it is Millennials, and it’s time to shift our focus once again.

Known as dedicated pet owners who know what they want (and when they want it), Millennial expectations are changing the veterinary market in Canada. Millennials now represent a whopping 31% of pet owners. (1) 

Millennial pet owners are very engaged. They want to be part of the decision-making process for their pets. Champions of the human-animal bond, Millennials will proudly declare their pet is part of the family, often referred to as the baby in the family. Over 80% of Millennials say they “frequently” worry about their pets when they are away from them. 70% would be willing to take a pay cut if they could bring their pet to work. (2)

These trends are clearly expressed in how Millennials choose their veterinary practice and what they are looking for in health care for their pet. 74% of Millennials would be more likely to visit their veterinarian if they discussed the health benefits of the human-animal bond. (3) 

Early adopters of new tech, Millennials frequently use online services like Rover for pet care or telehealth options for veterinary care. Their preference for personalized assistance and care means they’re an excellent fit for at-home veterinary care. Millennial pet owners will eagerly embrace options like Home Pet Nurse, opting for expert support at home vs facing the anxiety of doing something “wrong” for their beloved pet.

Millennials will first turn to social media when weighing decisions about pet food, accessories, veterinary care, or other pet care quandaries. 90.4% of Millennials are active on social media compared to 48.2% of Baby Boomers. (3) It has never been more critical for a veterinary practice to have a strong social media presence.

How can VetGo help your practice meet the needs of your evolving client base? Our Front Line Advocates (FLA) are a seamless, remote extension of your existing team. Our highly educated and experienced veterinary technicians can answer your phones, respond to emails, and handle your social messaging. 

FLAs can do surgery callbacks, prescription reminders, and diet transition follow-ups. They can take on your vaccine and heartworm reminders, executing them and taking them off your team’s plate. Whether you need ongoing support, a locum for holidays, or someone to take on project-based work, our team is ready.

No longer will you need to have an auto-response to emails warning clients of extended response times and thanking them for their patience. No more clients sitting on hold waiting to have their questions answered and appointments booked. You can stop worrying about social messages going unanswered and damaging your digital reputation. Let VetGo help.

Do you have clients who need a bit of extra support at home? Whether it’s an owner who can’t get into the practice regularly because they don’t drive, or a pet who finds the trip to the clinic too stressful, or an owner who needs to administer medication or fluids at home and needs a bit of support, our highly trained registered veterinary technician Home Pet Nurses can be deployed to support your practice in your client’s homes.

VetGo exists to support veterinary clinics. Whether you need a seamless extension of your front-end reception team, an at-home pet nurse, help with your digital presence, or HR support in the practice, we can help.




Feb 29, 2024

By Heather Parsons, Co-Founder