VetGo Can Help Your Clinic in a Pandemic

Living and working through a pandemic has changed how we practice medicine today, and will bring a “new normal” for tomorrow. Many clinics across Canada are continuing to operate through curbside drop off. Client communication is primarily over the phone. Here are three ways VetGo can help your practice adjust and adapt to the new normal.

Take the Responsibility for the Ringing Phone off Your Team

You may be one of the many clinics in Canada that continue to operate with a locked-door policy. Your team is spending significant time answering the door, managing patient flow from the parking lot, and connecting with owners who are anxiously waiting outside. 

Many practices are down to a skeleton staff. Teams are small to limit exposure. Many team members have had to stay at home to oversee homeschooled kids or protect vulnerable family members. Throughout all of this, your phone continues to ring. 

While your team is managing the flow of patients from your parking lot to your exam room, assisting you in surgery and procedures, and preparing discharges, VetGo could be handling your incoming calls.

Your clients expect the high level of care they have always received from your team, despite the new challenges you are facing. Right now, many owners get a busy signal or recorded message when they call, even though they are within business hours. Teams are overwhelmed, and the number of calls have increased while team time has decreased. 

Client care is even more critical in today’s normal. Owners can not accompany their pet into the exam room. They are missing face-to-face interactions. They are feeling anxious. VetGo can answer your calls and reassure your clients. Our highly trained Front Line Advocates (FLA) can answer their questions and schedule their appointments. Our support will be seamless to your clients, VetGo is an extension of your practice and your team.

Beyond answering incoming calls, VetGo Front Line Advocates can reach out to your clients to do patient follow-up. Discharges are particularly challenging in curbside medicine. Your dedicated FLA can reach out to owners once they are home, review discharge instructions again, and ensure all of their questions are answered.

Building Your Team in an Affordable Way

Times are tough for clinics across Canada. You are busier than ever, but revenue is down. Each appointment takes significantly more time than it used to. Your days are longer than ever, but you are seeing fewer patients.

With a VetGo Front Line Advocate, you can access a highly trained front end team member at a fraction of the cost of hiring someone full-time. You pay for the time you need someone and nothing further. 

You can schedule your VetGo Front Line Advocate for precisely when you need them and have the peace of mind of knowing your clients are receiving first-class care while you are focused on your patients and your day. Check out our website and sign up for a 20-minute free consultation to learn more. 


Why Did We Start VetGo?


3 Reasons You Need Help With Client Support